This website was designed to be used/viewed on a desktop, laptop or a pad, and probably not on your phone. A phone-friendly version may be available in the future.

Resources used while creating these scenarios and quizzes include:
  • 2024 - 2025 Game Officials Manual
  • 2024 NFHS Football Rules
  • The Redding Guide to NFHS Football Rules 2023 edition
  • 2024 NFHS Football Exam
All photos included in this site are listed as being in the Public Domain.

Thanks to:
Bob Kinsella, NHFOA New Hampshire
Steve Hall, NHFOA New Hampshire
Dave Robbins, PFOA Oregon
Jack Folliard, OAOA Oregon.


Copyright 2024 White Coyote Technology, LLC Manchester, NH - All rights reserved.
Direct inquiries to or call 603.242.2898
Latest Update: July 27, 2024 Questions from the 2024 test added.

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